Kits 884C-Full-Kit3
MFR #884C-Full-Kit3
€ 2344.11 + ΦΠΑ
Online τιμή:
€ 2250.35
✓ Σε 6 άτοκες δόσεις ή μέχρι 36 έντοκες δόσεις.
- MZ Cool LED Lighting Full Kit
- 3x MZ-LED884C Lights
- 3x MZ-3.8LA Tripods for Lights
- 2x Bag MZ-BagΒ & 1x MZ-BagTB

Lighting Kit with 3x MZ-LED884C, 3x MZ-3.8LA tripods, 2x MZ-BagΒ Light Bag, 1x MZ-BagTB Tripod bag, 3x Power suppliers, 3x Diffusers, 3x Warm Filters, 3x Barndoors, 3x Clamps, 3x Dtap cables.
- High power Aluminum SMD LED lights
- CRI 97 - Extended CRI95 - 115° Light beam
- 4-leaf Barndoors with Gel clips
- 3.8m Tripods with air cushion
- Waterproof/Scratchproof Bag